Pathways to Recovery

The logo for the european union social fund

Pathways to Recovery

A circle of green dots on a white background.

Pathways for Recovery is a part-funded European Social Fund, SEMLEP wide comprehensive employment support initiative focused on helping those most disadvantaged in our communities due to the impact of COVID-19. This initiative will be delivered by a regional partnership including specialist support providers, employment and skills organisations and strategic stakeholders.

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A woman wearing a mask is sitting on the floor talking on a cell phone.
A circle of green dots on a white background.

Overall Objective

Pathways for Recovery aims to build a locally integrated employment service that tackles the significant impact that COVID 19 has had on the region. We aim to support those most affected by the pandemic financially and with individual mental health/wellbeing.

Our overall objective is to address these barriers by providing specialist support to clients who need advice and guidance. We will help you gain the necessary confidence to engage with the job market and progress toward sustainable employment, education and/or training, improving social inclusion and mobility.

A circle of green dots on a white background.

Pathways for Recovery will focus on job seekers and inactive people, including the long term unemployed and people far from the labour market, providing additional and complementary activity to those people who are not able to access the Work and Health/CAEHRS Programme, but still need support to get themselves back into employment.

The partnership comprises local Councils, Universities, Chambers of Commerce, a Football Club outreach programme, local charities, and a network of partner organisations that provide either broad regional coverage or specialised local provision.

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