CV Writing & Interview Preparation Workshops

CV Writing & Interview Preparation Workshops


We are offering free support that could help you become more confident with preparing for work and/or everyday life. The support is available to all Northamptonshire residents who are at least 16 years old and not in work. We provide help and support with a range of challenges in preparing for work, including sessions to help you increase confidence, or to help with understanding the workplace, job searching or just wanting to improve your potential at work. All sessions are short and flexible and include refreshments and lunch.

Upon completion you will also receive a free £25 shopping voucher (redeemable at major supermarkets)

A circle of green dots on a white background.

Workshop Objectives:

  • Proficiency in pre-employment and interpersonal skills
  • Reduced structural barriers into employment and into skills provision
  • These barriers can take a variety of forms and will interact with other characteristics of labour market disadvantage such as gender, age, health, disability and ethnicity to reduce their likelihood of labour market and skills engagement. While not exhaustive, types of commonly experienced barriers might include homelessness, being an ex-offender, being a care leaver or having substance dependency issues. Other types of barriers might relate to access to services such as care services including childcare, transport, digital and financial. Barriers may also relate to lack of interpersonal and employability skills such as confidence, motivation and behavioural issues.
  • People engaged in job-searching following support.
  • Increased employability through development of interpersonal skills funded by UKSPF.
  • People familiarised with employers’ expectations, including, standards of behaviour in the workplace. 
  • The number of people who have been supported by UKSPF funded activity to be familiarised with or acquire improved awareness and understanding of behaviours and attitudes appropriate to employment and skills settings, including but not limited to, standards of workplace behaviour and conduct, working with others, health and safety, diversity and inclusion, etc. This can include pre-employment or skills activity as well as activity undertaken on joining such as formal inductions and training.

Course Eligibility

  • 16+
  • Unemployed or Economically Inactive
  • NEET
  • Must live in Northamptonshire

Step 1:

Complete the People and Skills Enrolment Form and Learning Agreement.

No further sessions currently available

A circle of green dots on a white background.

Step 2:

Book on a Free Workshop (Only book if you have completed Step 1):

No further sessions currently available

"This programme is provided as part of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, people and skills investment priority. It is designed to help reduce the barriers some people face to employment, boosting core skills to help people progress in work, creating personal and societal economic impact"

A circle of green dots on a white background.

CV / Interview Skills Interest

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